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Home Cost Cardiology Balloon Septostomy

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Balloon Septostomy Cost in India

The cost of Balloon Septostomy in India ranges from 2500-3000 USD.

India, renowned for its cost-effective medical treatments, emerges as the ideal destination for patients in need of this life-saving procedure.

Balloon Septostomy involves expanding or creating a hole in a baby's heart, facilitating the mixing of oxygenated and oxygen-depleted blood, a crucial intervention in cardiac care.

As we embark on this exploration, let's delve into the comprehensive details of Balloon Septostomy, delving into its success rates, recovery tips, and more.

What is Balloon Septostomy?

Balloon Septostomy is a life-saving percutaneous procedure that involves widening or creating a hole in a baby's heart, specifically in the atria, to enable the mixing of oxygenated and oxygen-depleted blood.

Using a catheter and a balloon, the procedure enlarges an existing hole, facilitating the necessary blood flow for improved oxygenation.

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing India for Balloon Septostomy

1. Cost-Effectiveness: India offers affordable Balloon Septostomy, covering hospital fees and post-operative care, reducing financial burdens.

2. Expertise and Quality: Highly skilled cardiac surgeons in India ensure high-quality Balloon Septostomy with extensive experience and ongoing training.

3. Minimal Waiting Times: Choosing India provides shorter waiting times for Balloon Septostomy, allowing convenient surgery scheduling.

4. Highly Skilled Surgeons: Indian cardiac surgeons excel in Balloon Septostomy with rigorous training and access to advanced facilities for successful surgeries.

5. Comprehensive Medical Infrastructure: Indian cardiac surgeons excel in Balloon Septostomy with rigorous training and access to advanced facilities for successful surgeries.

Top 5 Factors Affecting Balloon Septostomy Cost in India

1. Hospital and Room Selection: The choice of hospital and room type significantly influences costs.

2. Inpatient or Outpatient Care: The decision regarding inpatient or outpatient care can impact expenses.

3. Surgeon's Expertise: The qualifications and experience of the surgeon may affect fees.

4. Healthcare Professionals' Charges: Charges for various healthcare professionals involved in the procedure.

5. Diagnostic Tests and Medication Costs: Additional tests and medications, if needed, contribute to the final cost.

What is the Success Rate of Balloon Septostomy in India?

The success rate of Balloon Septostomy in India is around 99%.

Balloon Septostomy cost
Treatment Name Estimated Cost
Balloon Septostomy2500-3000 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions on Balloon Septostomy

The cost of Balloon Septostomy in India ranges from 2500-3000 USD.

The success rate of Balloon Septostomy in India is around 99%.

Patients undergoing Balloon Septostomy typically stay in the hospital for about 2 days.

The recovery time for Balloon Septostomy in India is typically six weeks, after which you may resume your normal activities. The post-surgery checkup frequency will be determined by your doctor.

Patients under 25 years old generally have a normal life expectancy after Balloon Septostomy in India, but survival rates gradually decrease in the age groups of 25-41 and > 41 years old compared to control groups.

The Balloon Septostomy procedure in India carries potential risks such as bruising at the groin, blood clot formation, infection, bleeding, arrhythmia, and stroke.

Yes, it is necessary to have a companion.

You can travel after Balloon Septostomy in India once your cardiac surgeon confirms you are no longer at risk.

Yes, you can do your own research and choose your physical therapist.

Pain management options may include systemic analgesics such as opioids, topical lidocaine, gabapentin, pregabalin, and specific antidepressants.

Yes, insurance companies will cover it.

The timeline for resuming normal activities after surgery varies. Your doctor will guide you on follow-up appointments and monitoring based on the specific heart abnormalities. Discuss the frequency of Balloon Septostomy check-ups during consultations.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The Balloon Septostomy process typically lasts around one to two hours.

No, there is no waiting list for Balloon Septostomy in India.

Yes, you may need to undergo tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), blood tests, and a chest X-ray before the surgery.

The typical anesthesia approach for Balloon Septostomy in India involves using general anesthesia combined with an epidural.

After an Atrial Septal Defect, maintain a heart-healthy diet: Low sodium, low saturated fat, High fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, Avoid beef, pies, butter, and sausages, Include fruits, veggies, oily fish, and whole grains, and Reduce sodium intake.

Aftercare services offered by the hospital include monitoring vitals, minimizing complications, overseeing dressings and diet, as well as facilitating discharge and follow-up care.

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