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beard transplant cost

Beard Transplant Cost in India

The cost of Beard Transplant in India ranges from 1000-1500 USD.

Known for its reputation of providing quality healthcare services at affordable rates, India emerges as an ideal destination for individuals seeking this cosmetic procedure.

Beard Transplant involves the process of extracting hair from a donor area, typically the back of the scalp, and grafting it onto the facial regions with sparse or thin beard growth.

Now, let's delve deeper into the comprehensive details of the Beard Transplant procedure, exploring success rates, recovery tips, and more.

What is Beard Transplant?

A beard transplant is a cosmetic procedure that involves taking hair from one part of the body and grafting it to the areas of the face where the beard is thin or patchy.

The most common donor site is the back of the scalp, where the hair is usually thicker and more resistant to balding. There are two primary methods that a surgeon can employ:

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Using this method, individual donor follicular units are harvested one at a time. Since FUE is a less painful treatment, this could be the reason why it is used more frequently.
  • Follicular Units Transplantation (FUT). Using this method, a surgeon makes a little incision in the back of the head's tissue, then extracts the hair follicles from it

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing India for Beard Transplant

1. Cost Savings: Patients can save a lot of money by receiving Beard Transplant in India, which is far less expensive than in Western nations.

2. High Success Rates: India's effective outcomes result in an improvement in symptoms and in life quality.

3. World-class healthcare is available, including cutting-edge facilities, cutting-edge technology, and highly qualified medical personnel.

4. Diverse Therapies: India provides a wide variety of medical treatments for a range of ailments.

5. Cultural Enrichment: Treatment coupled with sightseeing in India provides a singular and unforgettable experience.

Top 5 Factors Affecting Beard Transplant Cost in India

1. Choice of Hospital: The overall cost is significantly influenced by the reputation and facilities of the chosen hospital.

2. Room Type: Expenses can vary based on the type of hospital room selected for the procedure.

3. Doctor's Fees: Costs are associated with the expertise and fees of the treating physician or surgeon.

4. Diagnostic and Testing Procedures: Essential pre-operative and post-operative tests contribute to overall expenses.

5. Post-Operative Care: Costs for necessary care after surgery, including medications and follow-up appointments, impact the total expenditure.

What is the Success Rate of Beard Transplant in India?

The success rate of Beard Transplant in India is around 95%.

What are the Fastest Ways to Recover from Beard Transplant?

Recovery from a beard transplant is typically straightforward. After the procedure, it's recommended to rest for one day, with possible redness, swelling, and scabbing around the transplanted hairs, which should subside within a few days.

Gently washing the face with mild soap is advised, and avoiding shaving or trimming the new beard for at least a week to ten days allows the grafts to settle.

Normal grooming routines can be resumed, and the final, dense, and natural-looking beard results become noticeable within six to twelve months.

Beard Transplant cost
Treatment Name Estimated Cost
Beard Transplant1000-1500 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions on Beard Transplant

The average cost of Beard Transplant in India is between 1000-1500 USD.

The success rate of Beard Transplant in India is around 95%.

You don't need to stay in the hospital after getting a Beard Transplant.

After a beard transplant in India, expect a short recovery of one day. Temporary redness and swelling may occur, subsiding within a few days. Gently wash your face, avoid shaving for a week, and resume normal grooming. The final result, a dense beard, is visible in six to twelve months.

Yes, potential risks of Beard Transplant in India include swelling, redness, tightness, numbness, and temporary scabs or crustiness.

Yes, it is necessary to have a companion.

Wait at least two weeks after a beard transplant before considering travel, as air pressure and environmental factors during travel may affect healing and increase infection risk.

Yes, you can do your own research and choose your therapist.

You can use Paracetamol regularly to manage mild to moderate pain. Moderate pain can be managed using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac or ibuprofen.

Yes, insurance will cover the cost of a Beard Transplant in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The procedure takes about 6-10 hours.

No, there is no waiting list for Beard Transplant in India.

Yes, a physical examination, blood tests, allergy test, and skin patch test are required before a beard transplant.

Local anesthesia is not necessary for a Beard Transplant in India; the procedure is performed with patients being awake.

Most patients can typically return to work within 10 to 14 days after a beard transplant, although the exact timeline may vary.

After a Beard Transplant, focus on hydration, avoid spicy foods, and prioritize a diet rich in vitamin C, zinc, and protein for optimal healing. Steer clear of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, and limit sugar intake to minimize inflammation and support recovery.

Aftercare services include vital monitoring, wound care, post-operative complication management, rehabilitation services, and follow-up.

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