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cheek augmentation cost

Cheek Augmentation Cost in India

The cost of Cheek Augmentation in India ranges from 2000-2500 USD.

India not only offers cost-effective solutions for individuals, but it's also renowned for providing world-class medical care to international patients, ensuring safety, quality, and a wide range of advantages.

Cheek Augmentation is a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the prominence and contour of the cheeks, helping individuals achieve their desired facial appearance.

Now, let's delve into the comprehensive details of Cheek Augmentation in India, exploring its success rates, recovery tips, and more.

What is Cheek Augmentation?

Cheek augmentation, also known as cheek implants, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the fullness, lift, and contour of the cheeks.

This procedure, often performed during cosmetic surgery, aims to create a more youthful appearance and achieve a balanced facial structure by revitalizing the midface through the augmentation of cheek volume, 3D contour, and anterior projection.

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing India for Cheek Augmentation

1. Cost-Effective Treatments: Cheek augmentation in India offers significant cost savings compared to developed countries.

2. High-Quality Healthcare: India provides world-class healthcare facilities with advanced technologies and highly qualified medical professionals.

3. Wide Range of Treatments: India offers a comprehensive range of medical treatments, covering various medical conditions.

4. Access to Advanced Technology: Indian hospitals provide access to cutting-edge technologies and minimally invasive procedures.

5. Shorter Wait Times: Patients in India often experience shorter wait times for medical treatments, avoiding lengthy queues found in other countries.

Top 5 Factors Affecting Cheek Augmentation Cost in India

1. Choice of Hospital and Room: The hospital and room category selected can impact the overall cost.

2. Type of Cheek Augmentation: The choice between implant-based and filler-based augmentation can affect the cost.

3. Health Insurance Coverage: The presence and type of health insurance can influence expenses.

4. Qualifications and Experience of the Surgeon: The surgeon's expertise and experience may affect the cost of the procedure.

5. Additional Medical Professionals' Fees: Charges for medical professionals involved in the procedure, such as anesthesiologists and nurses, can contribute to the cost.

What is the Success Rate of Cheek Augmentation in India?

The success rate of Cheek Augmentation in India is around 98%.

What are the Fastest Ways to Recover from Cheek Augmentation?

After undergoing cheek augmentation or fillers, individuals commonly experience a tight or strained sensation, which typically resolves within a week.

The majority of swelling diminishes, and visible improvements can be observed around six weeks post-procedure.

Cheek Augmentation cost
Treatment Name Estimated Cost
Cheek Augmentation2000-2500 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions on Cheek Augmentation

The cost of Cheek Augmentation in India ranges from 2000-2500 USD.

The success rate of Cheek Augmentation in India is around 98%.

Cheek augmentation surgery in India typically allows for same-day discharge after anesthesia recovery. Arrange for someone to pick you up as you won't be able to drive after undergoing general anesthesia.

After receiving cheek augmentation or fillers, the majority of people experience a strained, tight sensation; however, this normally goes away within a week. Most edoema subsides and improvements can be seen after about six weeks.

Cheek Augmentations usually last for a lifetime.

Cheek Augmentation in India poses risks such as anesthesia reactions, asymmetry, bleeding, displacement, fatty cysts, fat necrosis, seroma, hematoma, infection, lumpiness, changes in skin sensation, persistent pain, suboptimal aesthetic results, poor healing, and the potential need for revisional surgery. Additional concerns include skin discoloration, prolonged swelling, skin loss, and unfavorable scarring.

Start with some easy exercises and gradually increase your range of motion over a few weeks. Your body will have more time to recuperate as a result.

No, it is not necessary to have a companion.

Wait at least a week before flying after Cheek Augmentation, as recommended by most surgeons. Stay in close communication with your plastic surgeon during this crucial period to address any potential issues.

Yes, you can choose your own therapist for post-surgery rehabilitation.

Take doctor-recommended painkillers like paracetamol and consider using ibuprofen after consulting with your doctor for post-Cheek Augmentation pain management in India.

Yes, usually insurance cover the cost of Cheek Augmentation in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The entire Cheek Augmentation process typically takes 30-45 minutes, followed by 2-3 hours in recovery before being transferred to a hospital room.

No, there is no waiting list for Cheek Augmentation in India.

Yes, blood tests and diagnostic procedures may be required to assess potential bleeding issues before undergoing Cheek Augmentation.

General anesthesia, supplemented with a local anesthetic, is commonly used for Cheek Augmentation in India.

Before and after Cheek Augmentation, opt for low-fat protein like baked fish and roasted chicken instead of high-fat meats. Aim for five daily servings of diverse fruits and vegetables, while avoiding processed meats such as bacon and hot dogs.

You can typically resume normal activities, including strenuous ones, after about 10 days following Cheek Augmentation. The majority of swelling diminishes within six weeks, showing noticeable improvements.

Postoperative monitoring, wound care, complication management, rehabilitation services, and follow-up.

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