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cheek implant surgery cost

Cheek Implants Cost in India

The cost of Cheek Implant surgery in India ranges from 3000-3500 USD.

India's reputation for advanced healthcare infrastructure and cost-effectiveness positions it as an ideal destination for international patients seeking cheek implants.

Cheek implant surgery, also known as cheek augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance facial aesthetics by adding volume and definition to the cheek area.

Let's delve into the comprehensive details of cheek implant surgery, exploring its success rate, recovery tips, and more.

What is Cheek Implants?

Cheek implants, also known as cheek augmentation surgery, enhance the form and contour of the cheek and midface by adding volume and definition with malar, sub-malar, or extended malar implants.

The procedure involves making intra-oral Keen incisions on each side of the mouth, lifting the soft tissue to reveal the cheekbone, and selecting the appropriate implant size based on the patient's needs.

Cheek implants provide comprehensive contouring across the lower lid region and cheek, secured in place over the bone through the chosen implant.

Types of Cheek Implants

  • Malar Implants: These implants add projection to the cheekbones, enhancing the midface's definition.
  • Sub-Malar Implants: Sub-malar implants provide fullness to the lower cheek area, creating a plump appearance.
  • Extended Malar Implants: Extended malar implants offer comprehensive contouring, covering both cheekbones and lower cheeks.

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing India for Cheek Implants

1. Cost-Effective Treatments: India offers significant cost savings, making cheek implants more affordable for individuals seeking cosmetic procedures.

2. High-Quality Healthcare: Indian medical facilities provide world-class healthcare with advanced technology and highly qualified professionals.

3. Wide Range of Treatments: India caters to diverse healthcare needs, offering a comprehensive range of medical services from routine check-ups to complex surgeries.

4. Access to Advanced Technology: Indian hospitals feature cutting-edge medical technologies, ensuring modern and effective procedures.

5. Cultural Enrichment: Patients can enrich their experience by combining treatment with exploring India's rich culture and historical attractions.

Top 5 Factors Affecting Cheek Implants Cost in India

1. Choice of Hospital and Room: The selection of the hospital and room category can influence the overall cost.

2. Type of Cheek Implant: The specific type of implant chosen for the procedure can affect the cost.

3. Health Insurance Coverage: The presence and extent of health insurance coverage may impact expenses.

4. Surgeon's Qualifications and Experience: The expertise and experience of the surgeon can influence the cost of the procedure.

5. Additional Medical Professionals' Fees: Charges for healthcare professionals like anesthesiologists, physiotherapists, and nurses may contribute to the overall cost.

What is the Success Rate of Cheek Implants in India?

The success rate of Cheek Implants in India is around 95%.

What are the Fastest Ways to Recover from Cheek Implants?

Recovery time after cheek implant surgery varies based on individual factors. To promote a speedy recovery, it's important to follow post-operative care instructions, avoid strenuous activities, and attend scheduled follow-up appointments with the surgeon.

Cheek Implants cost
Treatment Name Estimated Cost
Cheek Implants3000-3500 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions on Cheek Implants

The cost of Cheek Implant surgery in India ranges from 3000-3500 USD.

The success rate of Cheek Implants in India is around 95%.

An operating room or a hospital are both acceptable settings for Cheek implants. Patients undergoing Cheek implants may be required to stay overnight in the hospital (inpatient surgery) or may be allowed to leave right away (outpatient surgery).

Recovery for Cheek Implants in India typically takes about one week, with possible soreness, swelling, and sensations like pulling or straining in the cheek area. Pain medication may be needed for a week or two, but improvement is expected daily.

Cheek implants in India typically have a long-lasting effect, often lasting a lifetime.

Yes, there are risks associated with Cheek Implants in India, including anesthesia reactions, asymmetry, bleeding, blindness, displacement of implants, fatty cysts, fat necrosis, seroma (fluid accumulation), hematoma, infection, lumpiness, numbness, persistent pain, poor aesthetic results, poor healing of incisions, the possibility of revisional surgery, skin discoloration, skin loss, suboptimal aesthetic results, capsular contracture (thick scar tissue around implants), and unfavorable scarring.

Start with some easy exercises and gradually increase your range of motion over a few weeks. Your body will have more time to recuperate as a result.

No, it is not necessary to have a companion.

Wait at least a week before flying after cheek surgery, as advised by most surgeons. Stay in regular contact with your plastic surgeon during this critical period to address any potential issues.

Yes, you can choose your own therapist for post-surgery rehabilitation.

Take doctor-prescribed painkillers, including paracetamol, and consider non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen for pain management after Cheek Implants in India.

Yes, usually insurance cover the cost of Cheek Implants in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The entire Cheek Implants process typically takes 30 to 45 minutes, followed by a recovery period of two to three hours before being transferred to a hospital room.

No, there is no waiting list for Cheek Implants in India.

Yes, blood tests, X-rays, EKGs, and other diagnostics may be required to assess potential bleeding issues before cheek implant surgery.

General anesthesia is commonly used for Cheek Implants in India, ensuring patients are completely unconscious during the procedure. Local anesthetics may also be applied at the incision site to alleviate pain.

Before and after Cheek Implants, opt for low-fat protein like baked fish and roasted chicken instead of high-fat meats such as steak and sausages. Include five daily servings of various fruits and vegetables, avoiding cancer-related processed meats like smoked meats, hot dogs, gammon, bacon, and bologna.

You can typically resume normal activities around 10 days after cheek implant surgery, although full improvements may take about six weeks as swelling subsides.

Vital sign monitoring, wound care, post-operative complication management, rehabilitation services, and follow-up care.

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