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Frequently Asked Questions on Lithotripsy

The average cost of Lithotripsy in India is between 300-1000 USD.


1-2 days.

The typical recovery duration following lithotripsy spans from six to eight weeks. Following the completion of the treatment, patients can typically regain their mobility almost immediately. Many individuals can fully return to their daily routines within just one to two days. Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that there are potential complications associated with this procedure, one of which is the risk of bleeding stemming from kidney damage.

Here are some risks associated with lithotripsy in point form:

  • Internal bleeding and need for blood transfusion
  • Infection
  • Kidney damage when the the flow of urine out of your kidneys is blocked
  • Damage to kidneys, which may not work as well after the procedure

Physical therapy, which includes techniques like percussion, inversion, vibration, and their combinations, has been used in clinical settings to enhance the success rate of becoming stone-free after lithotripsy procedures. Nevertheless, the limited adoption of physical therapy in clinical practice is primarily due to the absence of strong high-level evidence and a standardized protocol supporting its effectiveness.

Yes, it is necessary to have a companion.

Usually after 72 hours.

Yes, you can do your own research and choose your therapist.

You can use Paracetamol regularly to manage mild to moderate pain. Moderate pain can be managed using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac or ibuprofen.

Yes, insurance will cover the cost of a Lithotripsy in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

45 minutes-1 hour.

No, there is no waiting list for Lithotripsy in India.

Yes, you will likely need CBC, Urine analysis, and Kidney Function Tests.

While you won't be fully unconscious, the experience is likely to be forgotten as you'll be comfortably asleep during the procedure. Propofol, a non-opioid medication, is commonly employed for deep sedation. It's safe for most patients, has a rapid onset, and fades quickly.

within 72 hours.

The common adverse effect of medications such as opioids is post-surgery constipation. However, adopting certain foods can help prevent constipation. Conversely, particular types of foods can worsen the condition. Foods that may contribute to congestion include:

  • Cheese is rich in fat
  • Processed foods typically lack fibre and are high in sugar and fat
  • Red meat, particularly beef, contains significant saturated fat
  • Dried or dehydrated foods like beef jerky, dried fruits, prunes, and certain potato chips can contribute to constipation
  • Dairy products resembling milk, such as sour cream and full-fat ice cream, should be avoided
  • It's advisable to avoid sugary foods like candy, cakes, pastries, and other sweets to help prevent constipation

Aftercare services provided by the hospital include monitoring vitals, wound care, managing post-operative complications, rehabilitation services, and follow-up.

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