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hair transplant cost in india

Hair Transplant Cost in India

The cost of Hair Transplant in India ranges from 1800-2200 USD.

India is known for its affordable healthcare services and advanced medical facilities, making it an attractive option for those seeking hair transplant surgery.

This surgical technique involves moving healthy hair follicles from one area of the body to another, primarily used to treat hair loss or baldness.

Let's explore the details of the Hair Transplant procedure, including its success rates, recovery tips, and more.

What is a Hair Transplant?  

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure conducted by a plastic or dermatological surgeon to address baldness.

During the procedure, hair is typically relocated from the top or front of the head to a bald area on the back or side.

There are two main types of transplant treatments: slit grafts, containing 4 to 10 hairs each, and micrografts, with 1 to 2 hairs per graft, providing coverage based on individual needs.

Types of Hair Transplant Surgery

  • Grafting: This popular technique involves removing small portions of healthy hair-containing scalp, often using a tiny, round punch. These grafts, previously called "hair plugs," contain one or two hairs each.
  • Scalp Reduction: Surgeons remove a small patch of bald skin from the scalp, then pull adjacent skin with hair over the bald area and secure it with flap surgery.
  • Flap Surgery: Recommended for extensive balding in the front of the head, it's done in multiple phases over weeks. Surgeons create small incisions around the donor site's three sides while keeping the fourth side connected to maintain blood flow.
  • Tissue Enlargement: Used when burns or disfigurement have left the scalp bald.

Top 5 Benefits of Choosing India for Hair Transplant

1. Cost Savings: Patients can save a lot of money by receiving Hair transplants in India, which is far less expensive than in Western nations.

2. High Success Rates: India's effective outcomes result in an improvement in symptoms and life quality.

3. World-class healthcare is available, including cutting-edge facilities, cutting-edge technology, and highly qualified medical personnel.

4. Diverse Therapies: India provides a wide variety of medical treatments for a range of ailments.

5. Cultural Enrichment: Treatment coupled with sightseeing in India provides a singular and unforgettable experience.

Top 5 Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Cost in India

1. Hospital Choice: The selected hospital plays a crucial role in determining the overall cost, reflecting its facilities and reputation.

2. Room Type: Opting for different room categories within the hospital can influence the total expenses.

3. Doctor's Fees: Surgeon fees vary based on the qualifications and experience of the medical professional, impacting the overall cost.

4. Diagnostic Procedures: Costs associated with routine diagnostic tests contribute to the overall budget of the hair transplant.

5. Post-operative Care: The expenses related to essential post-operative care also influence the final cost of the procedure.

What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant in India?

The success rate of Hair Transplant in India is around 97%.

What are the Fastest Ways to Recover from Hair Transplant?

Recovery time after a hair transplant varies based on the procedure type and extent of transplantation.

In the initial days, gentle care is crucial, with patients refraining from touching or washing the scalp for at least 48 hours.

Adhering to wound care instructions, sleeping with the head elevated, and avoiding strenuous activities contribute to a successful recovery.

Full results become visible over several months as transplanted hairs undergo their growth cycle.

Hair Transplant cost
Treatment Name Estimated Cost
Hair Transplant1800-2200 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions on Hair Transplant

The average cost of Hair Transplant in India is between 1800-2200 USD.

The success rate of Hair Transplant in India is around 97%.

You won't need to stay in the hospital after a hair transplant in India, as the procedure is typically done on a daycare basis.

The recovery period after a hair transplant in India varies, but key guidelines include avoiding scalp contact for 48 hours, adhering to post-surgery instructions, sleeping with an elevated head, and refraining from strenuous activities. Full results may take months due to the natural hair growth cycle.

Yes, potential risks associated with hair transplant in India include bleeding, infection, swelling, bruising, crust formation, numbness, itching, folliculitis, shock loss, and the possibility of unnatural-looking hair tufts.

Yes, it is necessary to have a companion.

2 weeks after the surgery.

Yes, you can do your own research and choose your therapist.

You can use Paracetamol regularly to manage mild to moderate pain. Moderate pain can be managed using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac or ibuprofen.

Yes, insurance will cover the cost of a Hair Transplant in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The procedure takes about 3-4 hours.

No, there is no waiting list for Hair Transplant in India.

Yes, hormone, blood, dermatological, and ECG tests are required before the surgery.

Local anesthesia is typically used during hair transplant surgeries in India, allowing patients to remain awake while the scalp is numbed, eliminating the need for general anesthesia.

You can usually return to work within two weeks after a hair transplant, depending on the procedure and your job requirements. Wear a cap for protection and avoid direct sunlight, dust, and chemicals.

Before or after surgery, prioritize a balanced diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamins for successful hair transplant outcomes. Include foods such as eggs, lean meats, nuts, and fruits. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, and spicy items, as they may adversely impact results.

Vital monitoring, wound care, post-operative complication management, rehabilitation services, and follow-up care are provided.

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