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General Surgery

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General surgery, unlike its name, is a speciality medical field. It is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and operation of the abdominal and related organs. General surgeons are trained to operate on the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, oesophagus etc. 

What is Included in General Surgery?

General surgery is a broad surgical branch. It covers various surgeries and operations of the abdominal and other organs. 

What are the most common general

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General surgery, unlike its name, is a speciality medical field. It is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and operation of the abdominal and related organs. General surgeons are trained to operate on the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, oesophagus etc. 

What is Included in General Surgery?

General surgery is a broad surgical branch. It covers various surgeries and operations of the abdominal and other organs. 

What are the most common general surgeries?

  • Appendectomy: Commonly known as appendix surgery, appendectomy is the surgery in which the appendix is removed. This procedure is conducted to treat appendicitis where the appendix gets inflamed or infected. 

  • Haemorrhoidectomy: This is the surgical process to remove haemorrhoids from the rectum or anus. Haemorrhoidectomy is the most common treatment for haemorrhoids and is one of the most common surgeries performed on adults.

  • Caesarean Surgery: Caesarean surgery or C-Section is the surgical method of delivering a baby. It is done by making an incision on the mother’s abdomen and uterus. C-Sections are mostly performed by obstetricians, but general surgeons are also qualified to conduct C-Section surgeries. 

  • Lumpectomy: It is a surgical procedure through which tumours from the breast are removed. Lumpectomy is also known as partial mastectomy or wide excision. 

  • Colectomy: Colectomy is the surgery which is performed to remove parts or whole of the colon (large intestine). Colectomy is performed to treat infected, inflamed or damaged colon and large intestine parts. 

  • Biopsies: Biopsies are surgeries which are conducted to collect a part of an organ. These parts are then sent to laboratories to diagnose any potential diseases. Some common types of biopsies are liver biopsy, kidney biopsy, bone biopsy etc. Biopsies are generally conducted when the doctor suspects the presence of cancerous cells in any organ. A biopsy can also determine the stage and intensity of cancer.

  • Cholecystectomy: The removal of the gallbladder through surgery is called a cholecystectomy. Cholecystectomy can be performed to treat diseases like gallbladder inflammation, gallstones, infected gallbladders and gallbladder cancer. 

  • Wound Repair: Severe wounds caused by accidents may sometimes need surgery. These surgeries are also conducted by general surgeons. 

Besides these, general surgeons also perform surgeries like hernia repair/removal, thyroid removal, spleen removal etc. 

How to prepare before surgery?

  •  Planning for travel. Check your accessibility before going.
  • Assemble a surgical bag. Check if you have everything you need.
  • Diet and wellness in surgical preparation. Put forth your best effort.
  • Food and drink before surgery, medication, hygiene, and personal care, among other things.
  • Giving your skin the utmost attention.
  • Getting mentally ready for surgery.

What to expect during surgery?

To ensure that you don't experience any pain during the procedure, an anesthetic will be administered. A large operation will require a general anesthetic, so you'll be unconscious throughout the procedure. You'll receive it through an injection or a gas that you inhale through a mask.


The goal of surgery varies, however it may be suggested for making or verifying a diagnosis, removing damaged tissue or an obstruction, repairing or repositioning tissues or organs, implanting devices, rerouting blood arteries, or transferring tissues or organs. Some people decide to get surgery for cosmetic reasons.

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