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Frequently Asked Questions on Spleen Removal - Splenectomy

The average cost of Spleen Removal Surgery in India is between 3000-3500 USD.

The success rate of Spleen Removal Surgery in India is around 99%.

The hospital stay may be only 1 or 2 days after a laparoscopic splenectomy. Healing will likely take 4 to 6 weeks.

The length of time it takes you to recover depends on the procedure you have. You should be able to resume your regular activities—such as working or going to school—one to three weeks after laparoscopic surgery. It can require 4-6 weeks if you undergo open surgery.

Like every procedure, spleen removal carries a minor risk of complications, such as bleeding and infection. These hazards will be discussed with you by your doctor. To lower your chance of developing a blood clot or a chest infection, breathing and leg exercises should be prescribed for you to perform at home. You have a higher risk of developing serious or fatal infections after having your spleen removed. Your doctor might advise that you get the immunizations for meningococci, influenza, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and pneumonia.

To lower your chance of developing a blood clot or a chest infection, breathing and leg exercises should be prescribed for you to perform at home. Keep walking when you go home. You can walk up and down stairs. Walking helps your blood circulation, bowels, and breathing get back to normal. You can expect to feel tired and need extra rest during the day for a few weeks after surgery.

Yes, it is necessary to have a companion.

A splenectomy increases the risk of developing infectious infections in travelers. Visit our consultations for travelers with special needs if you fall into this category. In the process of the body's immune system development, the spleen plays a crucial role.

Yes, you can do your own research and choose your therapist.

Paracetamol can be used regularly to control mild to moderate pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diclofenac or ibuprofen can be used to control moderate pain.

Yes, insurance will cover the cost of Spleen Removal Surgery in India.

To discover the top doctors or hospitals in India, you can visit our website, mejocare on the doctors' page, you can filter and find the finest doctors, while on the hospital page, you can identify the best hospitals. Additionally, you can reach out to us, and we will gladly offer you all the necessary suggestions and information you need.

The abdomen (the region below the ribs and above the belly button) is where the procedure is performed utilizing a series of small incisions (cuts). Dissolvable stitches and tape (steri-strips) are used to close the incisions. The average surgery lasts between three and five hours.

No, there is no waiting list for Spleen Removal Surgery in India.

Yes, you will likely need to undergo tests such as Physical examination, CT scan/MRI, and General blood tests.

Both laparoscopic and open splenectomy require general anesthesia. Patients are asleep and completely unaware of what the surgeons are doing. During the operation, a small tube is placed into the stomach via the mouth and another into the bladder.

Usually after 4-6 weeks.

The most frequent side effect of medications like opioids is constipation, which can occur after surgery. The state of constipation can, however, be avoided with the help of specific foods. Contrarily, certain foodstuffs can exacerbate constipation. Congestion-inducing foods include:

  • Fat is abundant in cheese.
  • Food that has been processed: Food that has been processed typically contains minimal fiber and is high in sugar and fat.
  • Red meat: Saturated fat content is significant in red meat, particularly in beef.
  • Foods that have been dried or dehydrated: Some examples of dried or dehydrated foods are beef jerky, dried fruits, prunes, and particular kinds of potato chips.
  • A milk-like dairy item: Sour cream, ice cream, and other full-fat dairy products should be avoided.
  • Avoiding sugary foods like candy, cakes, pastries, and other sweets is a good idea.

Aftercare services provided by the hospital include Monitoring vitals, Wound care, Managing post-operative complications, Rehabilitation Services, and Follow-up.

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