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What is Nephrology?

Nephrology is a sub-specialised internal medical branch that is concerned with the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disorders of the kidneys. 

Kidney health:

The kidney is a very vital organ and has a big role in maintaining a normally functioning body. It is responsible for the extraction of waste fluids from the body. Any diseases and disorders in the kidney can cause severe pain and discomfort to the patient. 

What are some common diseases related to the

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What is Nephrology?

Nephrology is a sub-specialised internal medical branch that is concerned with the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disorders of the kidneys. 

Kidney health:

The kidney is a very vital organ and has a big role in maintaining a normally functioning body. It is responsible for the extraction of waste fluids from the body. Any diseases and disorders in the kidney can cause severe pain and discomfort to the patient. 

What are some common diseases related to the kidney?

  • Kidney Stones: One of the most common diseases related to the kidney are kidney stones. When elements like minerals and other substances crystallize in the kidney, they tend to develop into stones. These stones can cause difficulty in passing urine and can hinder with the normal functioning of the kidney, leading great amounts of pain and discomfort.

  • Urinary Tract Infection: Microbes like bacteria and in some cases fungus, can cause an infection in the urinary tract. This can lead to painful passing of urine, uncontrollable bladder movements, burning sensations while urinating etc. A UTI can affect the bladders, urethra and the kidneys.

  • Kidney Failure: Kidney failure occurs when one or both of the kidneys are insufficient to function on their own. The affected kidney is unable to remove the waste or balance the fluids present in the body. Kidney failure can happen due to various reasons like old age, diabetes, high blood pressure and physical injuries. 

  • Hydronephrosis: The accumulation of excess fluids in the kidneys leads to the disease called Hydronephrosis. It is caused by a blockage in the ureter (the tube which connects the kidney to the bladder). 

Common treatments in Nephrology:

For the treatment of kidney related diseases, Nephrology, as a medical science, has developed various methods. These include both surgical and non-surgical methods of treatment. The most common treatments for nephrological diseases are:

  • Dialysis: Dialysis is a non-surgical method of removing waste from the blood, when the kidneys are unable to do it on their own. It is done with the help of a dialyser/dialysis machine.

  • Kidney Transplant: This process involves replacing non-functional or failed kidney(s) with a functional one. It is done through surgery. 

  • Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT): CRRT is similar to the process of dialysis, but it is comparatively slower. CRRT is a 24-hour process that slowly extracts waste fluids from the patient’s body. 

How to prepare?

Making notes and gathering your medical records in advance of your meeting is a good idea. Make sure to voice any inquiries you may have. Your nephrologist wants to support you, assist in the diagnosis of your disease, and provide the finest care or management options.

What to expect?

The nephrologist will assess your heart and lung health as well as search for swelling in your face or lower extremities. In accordance with your situation, your nephrologist may advise that you have laboratory tests and/or scans, such as blood, urine, or renal ultrasonography.


In certain cases, kidney diseases that are so severe they require dialysis can be cured. Even if illness cannot be cured, the patient can still have a fulfilling life while receiving dialysis. The kidney is the only essential organ that can be successfully replaced over the long term by a machine.

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