General Surgeon
20+ Years of Experience
New Delhi
Dr. Praveen Sodhi is one of the best surgeons in Delhi with a lot of experience. She is an expert at diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions that need surgery. She uses surgery to treat problems like gall bladder disease, hernias, holes in the abdominal wall, stomach bleeding, and bowel blockage. She also helps people with colorectal cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and pancreatitis. She also does surgeries on people who have had accidents or injuries that need surgery.
A general surgeon has been trained to do surgery on many different parts of the body. These parts include the belly, the breast, the skin, the soft tissues, and more. General surgeons are important because they can diagnose and treat a wide range of surgical problems using both invasive and non-invasive methods. Surgeons like Dr. Sohi work with other specialists to help people with serious illnesses like cancer, organ failure, and injuries to multiple organs.
Surgeons like Dr. Praveen use different tools and methods to operate on different body parts based on the diagnosis. He is an expert at both traditional open surgery and less invasive methods like laparoscopy, which he uses to do a variety of surgeries. He may also do biopsies on suspicious lumps or growths to get tissue samples for further study. Dr. Sodhi has ways of draining abscesses. He helps take care of wounds, including surgical cuts and other injuries, to make sure they heal properly and keep infections from happening.
Laparoscopic, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgeon
20+ Years of Experience
Our care team can help you.