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Home Blogs Bariatric Surgery Is Gastric Band Surgery Right for You? Eligibility and Considerations

is gastric band surgery right for you? eligibility and considerations

Written By Anha Wahid Ansari

Bariatric Surgery

6 mins read


Is Gastric Band Surgery Right for You? Eligibility and Considerations

Are you looking for the best way to lose excess weight and deal with obesity-related problems?

Gastric band surgery is an ideal option for you it is a type of weight loss surgery that helps to reduce the stomach size by placing a silicon band around the upper part of the stomach.

If you are looking to get detailed information about gastric band surgery, its risks, surgical procedures, diet plans, etc then you need to read this article.

What is Gastric Band Surgery (Lap-Band)?

Gastric banding surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that helps to decrease the stomach size by placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. Surgery involves placing a band around the upper portion of the stomach and attaching a tube to the band and the tube is accessible through a port under the skin of the abdomen.

What Are the Requirements to Qualify for Lap-Band Surgery?

Lap band surgery is recommended for individuals with a BMI of 35 or above. However, people with a BMI of 30 or above may also be eligible for the procedure if they have an underlying condition which is related to obesity such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Moreover, it can be an option for you if you don’t want permanent changes in your gastrointestinal tract, yet this procedure doesn’t require stapling and cutting.

Can Gastric Banding Help Treat Obesity-Related Health Conditions?

If you just lose weight then you will be able to improve obesity-related problems as well which include:

  • High cholesterol.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease.

However, gastric band doesn’t cause the same effects on metabolism and hormones as other weight loss surgeries, yet, it is considered a purely restrictive procedure which means that it works primarily by limiting the amount of food you can have at a time.

Who Should Have Gastric Band Surgery?

Previously, gastric band surgery was only recommended if a person’s body mass index was 35 or above and some of them were recommended with a BMI of 30 to 34 with other obesity-related problems like diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea.

However, advanced surgical techniques have improved the safety record and the recommendation is no longer needed.

You will get recommended for bariatric surgery with a BMI of 30 to 35 if you have given problems:

  • Obesity-related problems
  • Non-surgical procedures have not proven effective.

Pre-Surgical Tests and Evaluations



Physical Examination

Understanding how extra weight affects the body is important. It can harm joint health and reduce mobility. It can also lead to health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Laboratory Tests

It is important to check your overall health before surgery. Conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, and nutritional deficiencies can affect the surgery.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes Before Surgery

Pre-surgery diet usually includes high protein with low amounts of carbohydrates because it helps in your healing process, lessens bleeding, and also reduces fat surrounding the abdomen and liver. Additionally, you can also work with a registered dietitian to create a diet plan.


  • Eat small portions
  • Eat more protein
  • Eat fewer refined carbohydrates
  • Avoid refined sugar
  • Drink more water
  • Limit sugary drinks
  • Take a multivitamin and mineral and calcium supplement

How is Gastric Band Surgery Performed?

What happens before surgery

  • You will be recommended for the surgery if you have a BMI is 40 or higher and a BMI of at least 35 and have one obesity-related disease.
  • To identify for the surgery, you will undergo several examinations that help the surgeon to understand your condition and you will get a to-do list of what you should do and what to avoid.

What happens during the procedure:

  • When the surgery starts, you will get general anesthesia so you’ll be asleep during surgery so you don’t feel pain.
  • Laparoscopic surgery starts with making a small keyhole shape cut in your abdomen through which the surgeon will install a tiny pump and inflate your abdomen with carbon dioxide.
  • After this, the surgeon will install the laparoscopy which is a tiny video camera that helps to project your organs onto a screen.
  • Then the surgeon will use long and narrow tools to access your stomach through additional keyholes.
  • The surgeon will secure the band around the top of your stomach and tighten it from a pouch. Yet your stomach will look like an hourglass with a narrow channel between the top and bottom portions.
  • However, gastric bands have a hollow channel that can be filled with fluid which makes it adjustable. So your healthcare provider will be able to adjust the pressure of the gastric band by adding fluid through this port.
  • The gastric band is connected to a small plastic tube that runs beneath your skin and leads to a port. Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon can access the port with a specialized fine needle to inject or extract fluid as needed.
  • When everything is in place, the surgeon will release the gas from your abdomen and close your keyhole incisions.

Is Gastric Band Surgery a Major Procedure?

Yes, it is considered a major surgery even though it is performed laparoscopically using minimally invasive techniques which means that instead of making larger incisions across your abdomen, the surgeon creates a small keyhole-type incision and completes the surgery.

Advantages of Gastric Band Surgery Over Other Bariatric Procedures

As compared to other bariatric procedures, the gastric band has the lowest rate of complications after surgery and there is no division of the stomach and intestine. 

Additionally, it can also be removed when necessary, yet it leads to less weight loss as compared to other approaches. 

Is Gastric Band Surgery Reversible?

Yes, it is reversible, however, in the unlikely event in which a problem with the band occurs it can be removed by using small incisions.

Possible Side Effects and Complications of Lap-Band Surgery

Some possible implications may occur after surgery which include:

  • You may experience nausea and vomiting which is a common side effect in the early days.
  • You may experience constipation with the band.
  • In the initial days, your body may react to the smaller stomach pouch and slower gastric mobility by making it hard to swallow food.
  • A tight band can also trigger acid reflux.
  • Food can get blocked between your stomach pouch and lower stomach which causes blockage.
  • The band that is positioned during the surgery could slip from its position.
  • Esophageal dilation and/or pouch dilation

How Much Weight Can You Lose with Surgery?

Well, the average weight loss with surgery is about 40 % over two years. However,  the results vary depending on how much you change your habits after surgery, yet, weight loss with gastric band is less as compared to other weight loss surgeries.

How many years does a LAP-Band last?

Well, a lap band is created to last a lifetime but it's not proven yet. According to the studies, 35 to 40% of people may have their gastric bands removed after 10 years. However, there are many reasons why the gastric band might be removed which include:

  • Inadequate weight loss can happen. 
  • There can be complications like esophageal dilation. 
  • You may experience severe heartburn or reflux. 
  • An infection might occur. 
  • The band may slip or erode. 
  • Obstruction can also happen. 


How do you know you’re eligible for the surgery?

Lap band surgery is advised for people with a BMI of 35 or higher. However, individuals with a BMI of 30 or above may also qualify for the surgery if they have a health issue related to obesity, such as Type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Sleep apnea, Heart disease, Lung disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

What is the legal procedure for Lap Band surgery in India?

First, you need to undergo several tests that help the doctor understand your condition, and then they will recommend whether the surgery is beneficial or not.

What are the diet and lifestyle changes after Lap Band surgery?

You need to start with the liquid diet as prescribed by your doctor and then gradually upgrade to hard food.

What are the risks of Lap Band surgery?

You may experience nausea, constipation, vomiting, food intake problems, and so on.

What is the success rate of Lap Band surgery?

The success rate of lap band surgery is 98% in India.

Do I need to stay in the hospital after surgery?

No, you can go home the same day after surgery, or you may need to stay if your case is severe which depends.

How long does it take to lose weight after Lap-Band surgery?

You will start seeing changes in your body in a year, and in two years you will be able to lose 40% of your body weight.

Written By

Anha Wahid Ansari

Anha Wahid Ansari is a dedicated content writer passionate about delivering high-quality articles. With a flair for creativity and thorough research, she crafts engaging and memorable narratives that inspire and inform readers.



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https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17163-lap--band-surgery para no- 3,4,5,7 https://www.rahejahospital.com/blog/all-about-gastric-band-surgery-and-the-diet-to-be-followed-post-and-pre-surgery para no-2 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/298313#how-does-it-work para no-2 https://www.princetonhcs.org/care-services/institute-for-surgical-care/the-center-for-bariatric-surgery-and-metabolic-medicine/surgical-procedure-options/lap-band-surgery para no-4 https://www.healthline.com/health/lap-band-surgery#fa-qs para no-3


28 February, 2025
Reviewed by
Dr. Aryan Malhotra
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